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About Cavamalt

10-12 inches
10-13 lbs
12-16 years
Not applicable
Best Suited For
Seniors, singles, families with older children, people living in an apartment
Affectionate, good-natured, easy-going, calm, docile, playful, intelligent
Comparable Breeds
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Maltese

Cavamalt Basics

Petite, pretty, with a fabulous personality to boot- that’s the Cavamalt for you! This fairly recent designer dog breed was developed by crossing the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with the Maltese. This hybrid is also known as Cav-A-Malt and Maltalier. In addition to their adorable looks and small size, these toy dogs are popular for their easy-going, friendly attitude. The Cavamalt won’t need much exercise and will feel at home in a cozy apartment in a big city.

Sweet-tempered and affectionate, this hybrid is a natural-born charmer, so it’s no wonder that is popularity is rapidly growing. Due to the unique combination of traits that this breed owes its purebred parents, the Cavamalt is a perfect pet for seniors, singles, or families with older children. These dogs won’t ask much but will offer a lot of love and joy in return!

The Cavamalt is a friendly, good-natured dog that needs very little exercise.


Not that long ago, mixed breed dogs were referred to as mutts, but now they’re flaunting the title of designer dogs. What changed? Well, a mix of two purebred dogs was usually a product of an “accident”, but with designer dogs, the crossbreeding is intentional. People are creating mixed breed dogs in an effort to create a new separate breed, with (hopefully) improved and new traits and appearance. As this is still a practice in development, a lot about designer dogs and their origin remains a mystery. Same goes for the petite Cavamalt.

There is no verified information about the breed’s creation, but it’s safe to assume that the first litter of Cavalier and Maltese mix puppies was born in the US, sometime in the last twenty years. Luckily, both of the parents have long histories as treasured pets- which speaks volumes about their designer dog offspring.



There are no official pedigree papers for the Cavamalt, as American Kennel Club and its international counterparts don’t recognize designer dogs as official breeds. Their standing is that first generation hybrids, like the Cavamalt, are simply too unpredictable to be able to fulfill certain standards. After all, if a litter of puppies is not uniform, how could anyone expect the whole breed to be? Nevertheless, a pedigree is, essentially, a well-documented family tree, and you can get that even without a certificate. A r eputable breeder will have pedigree parents whose ancestry is documented generations before. This way, you’ll get to learn more about your puppy’s family tree!

However, if you look at pedigree as a sign of good breeding, every Cavamalt has one. As a mix between Cavalier King Charles and the Maltese, this designer dog brings together two old an cherished dog breeds. Both of these toy dogs were often the choice of aristocrats and royals, and have been on the lists of most popular pets for decades.


All dogs need a well-balanced, high-quality diet to thrive and be healthy. But what makes a well-balanced diet for the Cavamalt? Surely not the same type of kibble you’d give to a Great Dane, for instance. As the offspring of two toy breeds, this petite pooch needs premium dry food specially formulated for small dogs. Additionally, the kibble should be appropriate for your pet’s age (puppy, adult, senior) and activity level (low to moderate).

Owing to its small size, the Cavamalt is prone to obesity. Most of these mixed breed dogs have a healthy appetite, but if you overindulge them with treats, they can gain weight very fast. And on their petite frame, even a few extra pounds can put severe stress on the joints and lead to a myriad of health issues. To stay on the safe side, follow the recommended dosage printed on the kibble bag, and go easy with the treats. Resist those soulful puppy eyes!

This is an apartment-friendly, low-maintenance dog that makes a perfect pet for seniors.


One of the reasons why Cavamalt is considered to be low-maintenance and a breed suitable for beginners is the ease of trainability. Eager to learn and eager to please, these smart doggos will impress you with their bright minds. Whether you’re training a Cavamalt puppy or a senior, you can expect them to be quick learners. Of course, it goes without saying that you should use positive reinforcement methods of training. Coaxed by treats and praise, all pooches tend to perform far better than you’d imagine!

In addition to your basic stuff such as potty training and leash training, you should pay attention to crate train your Cavamalt. The immense love and devotion these dogs have for their owners can evolve into separation anxiety, so it’s recommended to take steps to prevent it. Teaching your new pet to feel comfortable and safe when alone will do you a lot of good down the road. Also, as Maltese is known as a snappy breed, it can hurt to make sure to discourage biting or nipping of any kind. Especially if you have children, as this petite pooch can be quick to pinch if feeling provoked- which young children can unknowingly do.


With designer dog breeds, only one thing is certain- and that is that nothing is certain. That unpredictability is especially noticeable when it comes to their appearance, as puppies in one litter can look completely different one from another. Fortunately, the Cavamalt is a mix between Cavalier and Maltese, two toy breeds. The coat or shape of the face can vary, but its size leaves little room for surprise. This small dog will weigh between 10 to 13 pounds in its adulthood.



Once you lay your eyes on a gorgeous Cavamalt, you might be fooled into thinking that their adorable looks are their best quality. Sure, that silky coat and big soulful eyes do contribute to their popularity, but it’s their sweet personality that truly makes these designer dogs special. Owing to its parents, this Maltese and Cavalier King Charles mix is an ideal companion dog. Devoted, affectionate, and gentle, this pooch will disarm you completely with its love. They might be small in size, but they have a big spirit! Their playful side is also adorable, and you’ll love seeing their silly antics and clownish behavior.

Of course, it’s not always only the best traits that a designer dog can inherit from its parents. The Cavamalt can be a bit shy and distrustful of strangers like the Cavalier or be irritable as the Maltese. However, with timely training and proper socialization, all puppies grow up into well-adjusted, good-natured dogs, and the Cavamalt is no different.

Due to the unique combination of their sweet nature and low exercise needs, the Cavamalt is an ideal choice for seniors that want a furry companion in their golden years.

Common Health Problems

If you ever researched designer dogs, you’ve probably come across the term ‘hybrid vigor’. Breeders and hybrid dogs enthusiasts claim that cross-breeding leads to better health in the resulting new breed, with fewer genetic illnesses than any of the parent breeds. However, no one can claim this with certainty- as there haven’t been any large-scale studies to verify it. Until there’s enough research on the topic, the only remaining thing is to try and piece the information on each of the breeds separately.

For the Cavamalt, the mix of the parents’ genes seems to be a great match. These designer dogs are generally healthy and don’t suffer from many congenital health issues. Potential risks include glaucoma and hip dysplasia, but both are fairly rare. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should neglect your pet’s health and forget about preventive care. Cavamalt dogs can be prone to dental issues and early tooth loss, same as all toy dogs, so make sure to keep oral hygiene at the highest standard.

Life Expectancy

When you consider the relatively recent creation of this designer dog breed and the lack of information on hybrid dogs in general, it’s not surprising that the life expectancy of the Cavamalt is another mystery. But, as it is usually the case with mixed breed dogs, a lot can be learned about them by analyzing their parents. The same goes for their lifespan! Seeing how the Maltese and Cavalier have a life expectancy of 12 to 14 years, it’s fair to assume the same holds true for their offspring.

Exercise Requirements

Cavamalt is an apartment-friendly, low-maintenance dog that doesn’t require much exercise to stay in good shape. Their mellowness is one of the reasons why they’re so popular with apartment dwellers, elderly and singles! About 30 minutes spent walking around the neighborhood or playing fetch in the dog park will keep your Cavamalt content. In general, even running after a ball inside your living room could tire this toy dog out, but it’s better to bring them outside. Being on fresh air will do them a world of good!

Of course, in addition to exercising your dog’s body, you should make sure that their mind is active, as well. The Cavamalt is a smart dog that needs to be stimulated with puzzle toys or interesting games. This keeps them entertained and, as a result, out of trouble. You wouldn’t want your new puppy to start chewing your shoes out of boredom, am I right?

Owing to its parents, this Maltese and Cavalier King Charles mix is an ideal companion dog.

Recognized Clubs

As a designer dog breed, Cavamalt is one of those canines that are not officially recognized by the American Kennel Club and other distinct international canine clubs. This doesn’t mean that none of the canine organizations recognize the Cavamalt, though. There are various clubs that are either dedicated solely to hybrid dogs, or that simply strive to keep a thorough record of all breeds and offer them recognition. Those that have the Cavamalt on their list of recognized breeds include American Canine Hybrid Club, Designer Dogs Kennel Club, International Designer Canine Registry and the Dog Registry of America.


The soft, silky fur of the Cavamalt is one of the biggest points of pride for the breed. Combining the Cavalier and the Maltese resulted in a dog that has a medium to long wavy hair, of very fine quality that gives off a velvety feel. These pooches can come in a variety of colors, from the pure white of their Maltese mom or dad (rare) to tri-colored or bi-colored coats that combine red, brown, black or white shades.

When it comes to grooming, Cavamalt is quite undemanding. And owing to their parents, they tend to be low-shedding, as well! Apart from routine brushing, there’s little their coat needs to stay lustrous and tangle-free. When you bathe them, use dog shampoos meant for sensitive skin, to avoid any irritation or allergic reactions.


Adorable, fluffy, and full of love, Cavamalt puppies will steal your heart in a blink of an eye. Just don’t let them charm you into forgetting all about training and socialization! Puppyhood is the ideal time to set boundaries and a good foundation that will ensure your dog grows into a well-behaved pet. For the Cavamalt, this will also mean working on independence and curbing the impulse to nip at people.

The Cavamalt is a friendly, affectionate dog that needs very little exercise. Naturally, this appeals to a wide range of prospective owners, especially seniors, busy singles and apartment dwellers. Regardless of the group you belong to, you’ll quickly find out what a lovely companion a Cavalier-Maltese mix makes!

Photo credit: Erica Sauder/Shutterstock; JLSnader/Shutterstock; AMB-MD Photography/Shutterstock



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