Golden Conure

Published A Few Days Ago
fast facts

About Golden Conure

13 inches
30 years
Bird Species
Vocal,Chatterer, Talkative, Mimics
Social, Energetic, Playful, Affectionate, Silly, Clown, Friendly
Comparable Breeds
Hyacinth Macaw, Major Mitchell's Cockatoo

Golden Conure General Info

Are you ready to meet a superstar in the parrot world? We are pretty certain that you have yet to meet a parrot that is more charming and sillier than the Golden Conure. These lively parrots are incredibly fun – their rich personality is an endless source of laughter and surprises. One of the biggest clowns in aviculture, these exotic parrots are at the very top when it comes to fun and beauty as well. Even if they are an expensive pet and slightly hard to come by, every effort will be worth it in the end. They are also one of the breeds that are often rescued from shelters! If a chance comes by – don’t hesitate – buy or adopt, and you won’t regret it. The Golden Conure is truly a one-of-a-kind bird.

Their scientific name, Guaruba, comes from the Tupi native word, meaning “small yellow macaw”.


Native Region/Natural Habitat

These parrots, also known in aviculture as Golden Parakeets or Queen of Bavaria Conures, are native to a small region in South America. They inhabit a narrow and relatively small range in northern Brazil. It spans between three rivers – the Tocantins, Tapajos, and Xingu. Sadly, these birds are a vulnerable breed, suffering greatly in the eighties. Rapid deforestation, illegal trapping for pet markets and predators, all led to a big decline in numbers. Today, they are highly protected.

Overall Description

Golden Conure has a few similarities with certain macaw breeds, but they are not connected – this is a unique and separate species. They are medium in size, with a striking and robust appearance. The adults reach an average length of 13 inches (34 centimeters) and will weigh about half a pound (270 grams). The first things to notice are the large and powerful macaw-like beak and a wide tail. They have a large wingspan and will require a LOT of space. Consider an aviary or a very large cage, in order for your pet to thrive. But most often, these pets are a part of the family – with the freedom of the house at their disposal. Just make sure to secure everything before you let your pet parrot roam around!

Speech and Sounds

We mentioned that the Golden Conure is full of adorable traits. One of those is their peculiar (and cute!) passion for talking. Common words and phrases are easily repeated, but there’s also the loved parrot-talk – the mumbling that resembles human speech. They are also skilled mimics, often repeating common sounds like kisses, beeps, and barks. These parrots are very receptive to music, and will not hesitate to dance and do a host of silly tricks when the beat drops.



When the Golden Conures are around, the flashy patterns and exotic colors become a thing of the past. Who said that simplicity is dull? These graceful and elegant parrots will prove you wrong. The body is entirely colored in a bright, rich yellow, its intensity rarely seen in aviculture. The wing tips are a rich tropical green, providing an adequate contrast and adding a bit of variety. There’s no discussion here – these birds are the real charmers in the pet parrot world, both with their elegant looks and their silly behavior.

Golden Conure has a few similarities with certain macaw breeds, but they are a separate species.

Care and Feeding

Their diet should be based on a seed mix for larger parrots. In addition, your pet should have supplements in the form of protein-rich foods. Cooked corn, beans, and pulses, as well as fruits and vegetables, should be included in the diet. For the Golden Conure, a well-balanced diet is a huge part of proper care. Baths and showers should also be regular, serving as rewards and prerequisites for good health.

Health and Common Conditions

These are healthy and relatively long-lived parrots, with an average lifespan of up to 30 years. This, paired with a fun personality, will make them great companion parrots. The main focus should be on social interaction and, above all – a lot of space. Do not neglect your parrot by limiting their movements to a small cage and never letting them out.

These are very friendly birds and will depend on social interaction.

Personality & Behavior

When you get a chance to see a Golden Conure in person or watch a video even, you will fall in love in a matter of minutes. These silly clowns are so goofy and cute that it’s hard to resist them. And it all comes to them naturally. The silly dances and incredibly human-like movements, as well as their mimicked chatting, will quickly tell you why these are such popular pets. With a friendly and affectionate behavior, you will find a long-time friend in these unbelievable birds. The high price and rarity on the market are of no importance – everything is worth it with a pet as lovely as a Golden Conure.

Photo credit: Tupungato/Shutterstock; Sander Freitas/Shutterstock; Nicky Rhodes/Shutterstock



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