How to Clean Dog Diarrhea From Carpet

Published A Few Days Ago

Sure, sharing your life with a dog is fun and your days are filled with love, but sometimes, it can get messy. Like, real messy. After all, even though we love them, dogs are not the neatest of animals out there (that title would go to kitties, I’m afraid). In the daily life of a dog owner, there is bound to be a bit of dirt, hair, and - inevitably, poop – to clean up after your pet. And as if picking up poop from the street after your pet wasn’t bad enough, sometimes accidents happen inside your home, and the messes are that much harder to clean. Especially when you’re dealing with diarrhea and not your regular ole poop situation. 

But even though it’s far from pleasant to clean up after, it’s not the end of the world if an accident happens. While it can be difficult to thoroughly clean dog diarrhea embedded in the carpet fibers, everything can be cleaned if you are persistent enough – and know how to approach the issue. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you clean dog diarrhea from carpet – stains and smell both.

Now, keep in mind that cleaning dog diarrhea from a carpet can be a messy task, but it's important to clean it thoroughly and as quickly as possible to prevent lasting stains and lingering odors. Even if you are disgusted by the sight before you, it is necessary to keep at it until the job’s done. Someone has to do it, right? And we all know it ain’t gonna be your pooch.

So, first things first, you’ll need to gather supplies. It is always good to have them handy and keep them stored in a secure cabinet. You never know when an accident can happen and they will be needed, so be sure to be stocked on  pet-safe cleaning supplies (if you’re not already, now is a perfect time to pick up all of your basic necessities). 


The most efficient way to clean diarrhea from a carpet would be a specially  formulated cleaning solution that targets pet stains and smells specifically. However, if you don’t have it on hand, you can still use things you have lying around the house to get rid of the mess your pet has made. Some of the most basic poop-cleaning supplies you might already have in your home are disposable gloves, water, mild dish soap, paper towels (or old rags), a plastic scraper, white vinegar, and baking soda – and here’s how to put them to good use.

Once you have your supplies prepared, roll up your sleeves and get to the hard part. Before you start, put on disposable gloves to protect your hands from any potential bacteria. Prepare a waste bag or a bin, and use a plastic scraper or spoon to carefully lift away any solid waste. Be gentle to avoid spreading the mess. Use paper towels or old rags to blot up as much of the liquid as possible. Press down firmly, but avoid rubbing to prevent pushing the mess further into the carpet fibers. After this stage, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the affected area. Baking soda helps absorb moisture and neutralizes odors. Leave it on the carpet for at least 15 to 30 minutes. 

Once some time has passed, the area should be drier. Next, vacuum up the baking soda. This will help remove any remaining moisture and deodorize the carpet. Afterwards, it’s cleaning time. For a homemade cleaner, mix a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water. Add a small amount of mild dish soap. This is a great DIY way to clean stubborn stains. Dampen a clean cloth or sponge with the vinegar solution, and blot the stained area. Be careful not to saturate the carpet, as excessive moisture can lead to mold and mildew, and it is hard to dry out completely. After cleaning, use a clean, damp cloth to rinse the area with plain water. Blot the carpet to remove any soap residue. And then, the grand finale – just allow the carpet to air dry completely. You can use fans or open windows to speed up the drying process. 


Remember, it's crucial to address the issue as soon as possible to prevent stains and lingering odors. If the mess is too extensive or if you're unsure about handling it yourself, consider seeking professional carpet cleaning services. Or, if these things happen fairly often – you might consider investing in a  carpet cleaner machine that would give you the same experience without having to pay for an expert’s service.



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