6 Ways Your Life Will Change When You Adopt A Dog

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Your life will change when you adopt a dog – and here’s what you’re in for!

When you adopt a dog, your life is going to change. At first, it’s going to take some getting used to. You may curse under your breath or resent the change in your routine. That’s why we put together the list of 6 ways your life will change when you adopt a dog.

  • You’re going to get more exercise : Time to get that flabby butt in gear! You’re going to be getting up early to walk your newly adopted friend. But don’t think of this as a negative point. This is a great excuse to take up power walking, jogging and running. Besides, all those endorphins will be pumping and will keep you peppy for the rest of the day. Don’t be surprised to find that butt of yours a whole lot firmer after a couple of months of walking your dog.
  • You’re not going to be able to splurge on expensive coffees or new shoes when you feel like it . A dog is another mouth to feed… and buy toys for… and take to the vet. The costs that come along with a dog may not be substantial at first (we’re talking about the adoption fee, which usually runs a couple hundred bucks), but there are other incidentals that you may not have factored in. Dog insurance (for medical bills), food, toys, training lessons and equipment, and even poop bags – it all adds up. But here’s the good news: The time you don’t spending on pointless shopping sprees can be spent cuddling with your newly adopted BFF.
  • You’re going to have more chores . Taking care of a dog is work. You’re going to have to groom them, clean up after them (inside and outside of the house) and replace things that you leave carelessly about for him to chew on. If a dog is bored, his energy could turn destructive. This means chewed up furniture, bathroom accidents and an overall unhappy pooch. Schedule time every day to take care of these chores and think of it as a time to bond with your new buddy.
  • You’re going to meet a lot of new people . When you have a dog, people want to stop and chat. Perfect strangers will stop you on the street, ask all kinds of questions and give your dog a scratch behind the ears. At the dog park, you’ll meet other dog parents that will want to share experiences and funny stories. But don’t be too offended if no one remembers your name – they will always remember your dog’s name!
  • You’re going to be healthier and live longer . Now here’s something to look forward to. Studies have shown that people who own a dog are happier, healthier and live longer lives. Dogs will decrease blood pressure and lessen stress. People who have had heart attacks and have a dog tend to live longer than those without pets. And dogs give us a sense of purpose and help us fight depression, teaching us about compassion and boosting our self-esteem. You get all of these good things when you adopt a dog.
  • Lots and lots of unconditional love . Here’s another thing you have to look forward to when you adopt a dog. This furry fellow is going to be over-the-moon happy to see you every time you walk through the door, whether it’s been a few minutes or you’ve been gone all day. If you have a bad day, he’ll be ready and willing to lend a floppy ear to listen to your troubles. And when all else fails, he’ll cuddle up on the couch with you to chase away the blues.

How did your life change when you adopted a dog? Do you have any tips for our community members that will help them understand what they are in for? Leave your comments and tips down below.

Photo credit: Christian Mueller/Shutterstock



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