Bacon and Eggs Dog Muffin Recipe

Published A Few Days Ago

The best part of waking up has to be our Bacon and Eggs Dog Muffins. This is one treat that’ll have your dog bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

Most dogs don’t have a problem getting up in the morning – well, at least that’s the case with my dogs. But these Bacon and Eggs Dog Muffins smell and taste so good, they’d get us out of bed! A staple of breakfast plates everywhere, these tasty treats are made with bacon and eggs… with a side of peanut butter.

Why Bacon, Eggs and Peanut Butter?

We’re pretty sure you don’t need to ask why for bacon. That’s all we have to say — bacon. But eggs and peanut butter?

Yes. Eggs are super protein ingredients and have tons of essential amino acids and fatty acids. But even better, eggs are considered a complete food source! They offer Vitamins A and B12, Riboflavin, Iron, Folate and Selenium to your dog’s diet too. Those are key nutrition components for their overall health and wellness. And since we’re talking about amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein (that your dog desperately needs), eggs are one of the most complete sources of amino acids out there. Simply putting a raw egg on your dog’s din-din daily will boost his protein intake and keep his nutrient absorption high.

Sometimes, people worry about eggs and dogs because the egg whites contain enzyme inhibitors. Enzyme inhibitors may affect digestion in old or very young dogs because enzymes are what’s needed to break food down to its smallest particle for complete digestion. But that really only needs to be a concern if you were feeding your dog nothing BUT eggs. Adding egg to a well-balanced diet will only enhance his nutrition intake. And, since these are cooked muffins, you won’t have to worry about that anyway. The same goes for worrying about biotin deficiency in dogs. Because the egg yolk is very high in biotin, your dog will not be subject to a biotin deficiency.

What’s great about this muffin recipe is that even if you get a few eggshells in the mix, even better because eggshells have almost all the amino acids dogs need to stay healthy. In fact, eggshells can offer calcium and phosphorous to dogs, so it’s okay to get sloppy as you’re cracking and mixing.

And getting eggshell into the recipe means you’re getting the eggshell membrane in too. That’s full of collagen, chondroitin, Glucosamine and Hyaluronic acid–which are great for joint pain relief in dogs (and humans, if you want to crush some shells).

When it comes to peanut butter, we’re offering our dogs another superfood that is full of protein. It’s a nutritionally well-rounded ingredient because it gives your dog fiber, protein and healthy fats. It also offers niacin, Vitamins B and E and folic acid. This helps their molecular cell growth, while magnesium helps cell metabolism too. Your dog goes crazy for it in his kong because it’s just.that.delicious, so it’s a natural mix with eggs and bacon.

Makes 12 muffins




    Be careful when buying natural peanut butters as some may contain xylitol and that is NOT okay for dogs. Ever. This natural sweetener may be a preferred sugar substitute for many people, but it is highly toxic to dogs. Ingesting even small amounts of xylitol can cause serious health complications or death. This is why it is so important for dog parents to read the labels on any purchases that they are making. When possible, stick to natural peanut butter with as few ingredients as possible. The best peanut butters for dogs have just one ingredient – peanuts.

    Xylitol can be found in more than just peanut butter. In fact, there is a good chance that you have a product containing the sweetener in your home right now. It’s commonly used in sugar-free gums, human toothpaste, cough syrups, mouthwash, and breath mints. All of these products should be stored up and out of your dog’s reach.

    This sweetener is digested differently by our dogs than it is by humans. This causes their body to release a large rush of insulin suddenly, causing hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), kidney damage or failure, and seizures. In more severe cases of xylitol poisoning, it can be fatal.

    Warning signs of xylitol poisoning (or dangerously low blood sugar) include:

      If you suspect your dog has ingested xylitol, you need to get them to a veterinarian as soon as possible. Your dog may need to be hospitalized to provide the care that they need. The sooner treatment begins, the higher their chance of survival.    



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