Doggy ‘Dos Puffed and Fluffed With This Wearable Dog Dryer

Published A Few Days Ago

As much as you love your pet, you can’t stand ‘wet-dog’ smell. Neither could a Florida teen, so she came up with the Puff-N-Fluff Dog Dryer, and you know you want one!

Here’s how it goes down.

You look at this contraption and you think, “What in the world?”


But, you can’t look away! You’re mesmerized at the Puff-N-Fluff Dog Dryer, wondering where it has been all your life!

A few years ago when Marissa Streng was in third grade (no, apparently most of us are not smarter than third graders!), she decided to tackle the problem her pet pug Mojo had every time he took a bath–he hated being wet. Marissa needed an idea for her school’s science fair project and initially began prototyping a dog dryer that was tube-shaped. She realized that in order for it to really be effective, she needed something that sort of encapsulated (can’t you just hear her dog’s glee?) him as it dried him, and the Puff-N-Fluff was born!


Marissa is now 14 and in high school, but says that she not only won her school’s science fair, but she was also the University of South Florida’s Young Innovator Winner in 2014. She’s adapted her invention, which uses a hair dryer to warm the inside of the Puff-N-Fluff and reduce dog drying time, and now it sells online as well as in local pet shops near her Florida home.

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Of the Puff-N-Fluff, Marissa says that even though it looks like it may not be something dogs want to be part of (we were skeptical ourselves!), once dogs get inside and are buttoned up, they actually calm down because of the warmth of the air and the white noise effect. If you’ve ever seen your dog run around like crazy after bath or a swim, you know where she’s coming from. The Puff-N-Fluff not only helps them calm down and get warm, but prevents those annoying shakes that leave water everywhere, and eliminates wet spots all over your sofa. (Because, obviously, sofas were meant for our dogs!)

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So…stop laughing and go get a Puff-N-Fluff (they range from $39.99 to $44.95). Because really, you’ve got to hand it to this young lady–she saw a problem for the pet she loved and she went on to fix it, tickling our funny bones (and drying them too) in the process!



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