How To Stop Your Dog Drinking From The Toilet

Published A Few Days Ago

Want to flush that bad habit? Here’s how to get your dog to stop using the toilet as his personal water bowl.

At some point in time, most dog owners hear that slurp-slurping sound coming from the bathroom that means their dog is drinking from the toilet. While this behavior may be both funny and confusing, it can be unsanitary as well. In this article you will learn why your dog drinks from the toilet and receive some tips for getting him to stop.

Why Dogs Drink from Toilets

The answer to this conundrum is really quite simple – your dog wants fresh water and he can find it in abundance in the toilet. While you may realize that toilet water cannot exactly be called “fresh,” for your dog it is simply a source of cool and convenient hydration. After a while, the water in your dog’s bowl becomes stagnant and warm so the water in the toilet may be more appealing. It is also possible that your dog has already finished the water in his bowl and, because he is thirsty, he seeks out another source of water and finds it in the bathroom.

The next question that comes to mind in regard to dogs drinking from the toilet is whether it is really bad for them or not. There are several risk factors to consider in letting your dog drink from the toilet. The first, of course, is the potential for transmission of harmful bacteria that could cause gastrointestinal problems in your dog. Another risk, and perhaps a more significant one, is the possibility that the bowl contains cleaning products that could be harmful to your dog. Though in many cases all your dog will experience is an upset stomach, serious consequences could result from the ingestion of chemical cleaning products in toilet water.

Related:What To Do With Dogs That Eat Poop

Tips for Stopping the Behavior

Luckily there are several easy ways to discourage or prevent your dog from drinking out of the toilet. Here are our tips on curbing this habit:

Close the Toilet Lid

Keep the Bathroom Door Closed

Use Toilet-Lid Locks

Keep Your Dog’s Water Fresh

Related:How To Stop Stinky Dog Farts

Giving your dog access to fresh, clean water is very important. Not only will it help to keep him healthy and hydrated, but it will also prevent him from seeking out other water sources like the toilet. If your dog drinks from the toilet, try using one of the methods outlined in this article to stop the behavior.



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