Planned Parenthood Uses Pussycats For New Sex Education Videos [Video]

Published A Few Days Ago

A new series of sex-ed videos from Planned Parenthood are using the cutest, furriest pussies they could find to educate viewers on a few things about certain, you know…body parts.

We talk about pussies all the time. I mean who doesn’t love a fluffy kitteh? Or, at the very least, a fluffy pussy purse or a headless robotic pussycat?

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And now, Planned Parenthood is talking about them too, although…in a bit different way than we typically do!

Recognizing that historically, the word ‘pussy’ has come to mean both kitteh and vagina (because, clearly: connection), Planned Parenthood has decided to play to the strengths of the word in a new sex ed video series called How to Take Care of Your Pussy, which is narrated by Sasheer Zamata and stars a whole lotta cute kittehs.


The first video of the series tells viewers about the difference between the vagina and vulva (yes, big difference!) doing so with some of the cutest cats they could find.The video educates the viewer on the particulars, and then references the cats as examples for the differences. Essentially the video aims to share with the viewer that just as there are many cats and looks for cats, there are many looks and norms for vulvas as well.


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Planned Parenthood Chief Medical Officer Dr.Raegan McDonald Mosely says that they hope viewers enjoy watching the videos as much as they had fun making them. But more, they hope to educate people with accurate information about bodies, sex and sexuality.

And if that doesn’t come through watching these adorable pussies, I don’t know what does!



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