ResCUTE Dog Jingles Spreads The Message Of Compassion To Children

Published A Few Days Ago

Operation ResCUTE is educating children about the joy of rescue

Education is essential when it comes to spreading the word of what really happens to dogs in shelters. The ‘How much is that puppy in the window’ ideal that many people have when they see pet shops is an attitude that needs to be changed. Puppies in pet shops mostly come from puppy mills and purchasing them only perpetuates the cycle. But on the other side, the shelters are full of puppies that just need a loving home.

We have all had our day ruined by Sarah McLachlan singing ‘In the Arms of an Angel’ surrounded by a bunch of sad dogs. I cry every time, and when interviewed, even she said she changes the channel. Is it effective? Yes. Every time I see it I have to resist the urge to donate my life savings. But is it appropriate for children? No. That’s where Operation ResCUTE comes in. They spin a positive message while educating children on the importance of adoption.


Operation ResCUTE is a collectible series where each book tells the story of a homeless pet and how he or she got adopted. It comes with a sticker and a plush toy of the pet featured (the plush toy is for kids, it’s not a dog toy). Jingles paves the way with a story of love and compassion. It’s a great way to educate children in a positive light about shelters. The story is told from the dog’s perspective, so children can identify with the pup’s emotions.

According to the founder of ResCUTE, Laurie Brown-Nagin, the second book will be out at the beginning of the New Year. The way the dogs are chosen is through a contest on the website, where you can upload your pet’s photo and story. “One hundred percent of the profits go to shelters,” said Brown-Nagin. Speaking with her made me excited for the rescue movement. Her passion and dedication to this project is astounding, and I love the new angle of positivity instead of just guilting people into donating.

The books are available for purchase on the website. I think this idea is brilliant and love how not only does it educate children on shelters, all of the profit goes right back into the shelters. It’s a great way to spread the message and help pets in need. Jingle’s story is the perfect gift for dog-loving children!

To learn more about Operation ResCute or to order the Jingles book and toy, visit the ResCute website.

[Editor’s Note: We’re saddened by recent developments in Rachel’s stuffed Jingles toy. Rachel left the adorable stuffy on the counter when she left for work, and Maria ate it. After a brief memorial, Jingles was laid to rest in the garbage can where the dog couldn’t get it. Maria was pleased with her handy-work, so she was sent to the corner for a time out. RIP stuffed Jingles toy.]



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