Samsung’s New TV Boxes Turn Into Cat Houses

Published A Few Days Ago

Talk about resourceful packaging! Samsung Electronics’s award-winning efforts to move toward sustainable and reusable packing have delighted millions of feline fans, as the television packaging can be refurbished into delightful cat accommodations every kitty will love!

Meow, meow! Check out the fancy new digs kitties can now have as they use the new eco-friendly efforts and packaging Samsung Electronics is putting forth as they move toward more sustainable and eco-friendly packaging!


It turns out that their new eco-friendly television packaging has a couple of extra lives of its own. The new packaging is made from eco-friendly corrugated cardboard, and will be used for The Serif, The Frame and The Sero television models. With the hope the new packaging will be easier for customers to recycle as well as upcycle, they’ve even applied some dot-matrix designs to help give some tips on how the boxes can be used.


Related:Our Guide to the Best Outdoor Cat Houses

Consumers simply scan the QR code on the box, and voila! Instructions for things they can reuse the cardboard for magically pop up. They feature plans for shelves, magazine racks and our favorite– cat houses!

Think about how genius this really is. It’s no surprise that every child on the planet typically prefers the box to the contents of any given box, and it’s no different for our feline friends. For generations, empty boxes have been acquired by the cats of the house as lookout stations, forts and even cozy little napping spots to recharge those kitty-cat bones.

Now, Samsung wants to make it even easier, offering guidance for some pretty snazzy looking options. They’re making it easier than ever for consumers who are often stuck with those overgrown flat-screen tv boxes cluttering up their television rooms with excess cardboard.

Related:Crazy Cat Houses Let Your Kitty Be Indiana Jones

It’s part of their effort to reduce their carbon footprint, as even packaging that is recyclable uses machine and factory power to break down materials. Creating options for consumers to actually upcycle and reuse their boxes reduces recycling man and machine power, and let’s face it, makes a pretty fantabulous abode for your cat.


The boxes will start shipping this month, so you and your cat will be able to bond as you build and she plots in her new digs in no time!


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