6 Ways to Prepare Your Dog Before Your Baby Arrives

Published A Few Days Ago

Congrats on the new human addition! How is your dog taking to the changes? Here are some things to do to get your dog ready before baby comes home.

If you are expecting a new baby, you already know that big changes are on their way. When you bring new life into the world, it is a huge responsibility to care for and love that baby.

During the first few months, you’ll be devoting almost all of your time to the new baby and that means other things may fall to the wayside. If you have a dog, there are certain preparations you should make to ensure that everything goes smoothly for the whole family. Keep reading to learn more.

Related:Tips for Preparing Your Cat for a New Baby

Tips to Prepare Your Dog for a New Arrival

When you first find out that you are expecting, it is easy to get caught up in the excitement of making the announcement and preparing your home for the new arrival. Amidst all of the excitement, however, you need to be practical.

Adding a new baby to your family is going to change your life, of course, but don’t forget about your dog! Significant changes like adding a new member to the family can be stressful for a dog and the new baby will take a lot of your attention. Follow these tips to prepare your dog for your new baby:

    Related:Dogs Respond to Baby Talk

    In addition to following these tips, you should spend as much time with your dog as you can in the weeks leading up to your delivery. The stronger your bond with your dog, the more likely he is to adjust well to a new addition to the family. You also just want to make sure he knows he isn’t being replaced.

    How to Introduce Your Dog to Your Baby

    When you are ready to bring your new baby home, you should think through the details of introducing him to your dog. You will probably already have the nursery set up, so make sure your dog is respectful of the space by making sure he has a comfortable space of his own – set up an area of the house with his crate or bed, his food bowls, and his favorite toys.

    In terms of the actual introduction, keep it short and sweet at first. Your dog will be curious and maybe a little cautious, so try sitting down with your baby and let your dog come up and sniff him when he’s ready. Over the next few days you can let your dog spend more time with the baby, but always supervise the interactions just in case. Eventually, you can let your baby interact with the dog directly so the two of them can start forming a bond.

    By following the tips provided above, you can improve the chances that your dog will adjust well to the new addition and will come to form a positive bond with your new baby. Keep in mind, however, that every dog is unique in terms of his personality – some dogs simply do not like or get along with children. So, do your best to smooth out the bumps in the road and follow the tips above to prepare your dog for your new addition to the family. Good luck!



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