8 Tips To Improve Your Dog’s Dental Health

Published A Few Days Ago

Dogs deserve pearly white teeth, so make sure they have a healthy smile

You want to keep your dog smiling… and proper dental care is an important factor when it comes to ensuring he is happy and healthy. Dental health care for dogs is a relatively new concept – my parents certainly never brushed their dog’s teeth! But pet health practitioners are advocating the importance of a healthy dog mouth, which includes healthy teeth and gums.

It’s surprising how many dog owners I speak to that don’t think about their dog’s dental health. It doesn’t mean they don’t care – they just didn’t know the importance it has on their dog’s overall health. But periodontal disease is the most prevalent of all diseases in dogs. It also happens to be one happens to be one of the easiest to recognize, treat and control… if you follow these tips regularly.

Brush Your Dog’s Teeth

Regularly inspect your dog’s mouth

Visit your vet for dental checkups

Chew Treats and Toys

Healthy Teeth Diet

Bone up on bones

Bad breath check

Professional cleaning

Did I miss anything? These aren’t the only ways to keep your dog’s teeth healthy, so let me know what you do in the comment section below.



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