BarkCode Helps Lost Dogs Get Home Quicker

Published A Few Days Ago

Lost dogs can find their way home with BarkCode’s range of loss prevention products

With our loss prevention month coming to a close, we wanted to highlight another product that could help bring your dog home safely. Utilizing a QR code, a backup URL and text messaging, BarkCode makes it a lot easier to find and return a lost pup.

BarkCode works on the premise that 190 million Americans carry a mobile phone. With its ID tags, integrated ID collars and ID slide, BarkCode allows a lost pet to be reunited with its frantic owner in a variety of ways. All of BarkCode products come with a scannable QR that’s readable using the camera on a smartphone. But if a cellphone doesn’t have that technology, they can enter the unique back-up url or text 43588 to access that dog’s information and get him home. There’s even a toll-free number to call if your Internet is down. All this information is on the ID, so the person who finds a dog will know exactly what to do.

For owners, once you buy a tag, collar or slide, there’s no monthly or annual fees. You just have to register your dog on BarkCode’s website. You can store up to six different phone numbers, your veterinarian’s information, medical and vaccination records, dog licence and microchip numbers and reward comments. You can even upload a picture of your dog for even easier identification.

With more than 30 different designs to choose from, you’ll be able to pick the right BarkCode product for your dog. Prices range from $10.00 to $24.95 and can be purchased on the BarkCode website.



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