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fast facts

About Blennies

Community Aggressive
Aquarium Size
Medium (30 gal)
Swimming Region
Fish Water Condition
Suitable Tank Mates
Angelfish, Boxfish, Clownfish, Damsels, Gobies and Puffers
Difficulty Of Care
Weekly care

Blennies General description

Blennies are a species of marine fish made up of 6 distinct families. They are characteristically small in size and are somewhat similar to gobies in appearance. Blenny fish have long, eel-like bodies and large eyes and heads. They are a reclusive but hardy species making them excellent choices for beginner aquarists.

Blennies are a species of marine fish made up of 6 distinct families.


Blenny fish originate in the tropical regions of the Indo-Pacific Ocean.


Blennies are vibrantly colored fish and come in shades of red, yellow, orange, blue, purple, brown, grey, black and white.

Maintenance and care


Blenny fish are not a large growing species and can therefore be kept in medium to large sized aquariums. They are generally peaceful towards other fish and make excellent additions to community aquariums. Blenny fish can however be territorial and aggressive to members of their own species and it is recommended that only a single fish of a specific species be kept in an aquarium. Although blenny fish are often kept in reef aquariums, they do like to nibble on coral and live rock.

Blenny fish are a fairly reclusive species and enjoy aquariums with a great deal of rock cover and hiding places. They also enjoy burrowing and digging and should be provided with a soft sand substrate. It is also important that the rock fixtures in the aquarium be firmly fixed to prevent them from toppling because of the fish’s burrowing activities.


Blennies are gregarious feeders and will accept most types of live, frozen and dried foods. It is advisable to feed them a varied diet. If not adequately fed, blennies are known to attack and devour small invertebrates in the aquariums.

Blennies are not a large growing species and can therefore be kept in medium to large sized aquariums.


There are no reports of blennies successfully breeding in the aquarium. In the wild, blennies lay adhesive eggs which stick to rocks and coral on the ocean bed.

Aquarium varieties

Barnacle Blenny, Bicolor Blenny, Black Combtooth Blenny, Canary Blenny, Black Sailfin Blenny, Comical Blenny, Ember Blenny, etc.

Photo credit: JennyHuang/Flickr; David R/Picasaweb



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