Frozen Fruit and Lavender Bark for Dogs

Published A Few Days Ago

Break off a piece of this honey-sweetened frozen bark for your dog… and while you’re at it, get a piece for yourself!

We’re celebrating the final days of summer with a cool treat that’s good for dogs and humans. Break off a piece of our Frozen Fruit and Lavender Bark – one piece for you and one piece for your pooch! You’ll notice that I used K9 Honey in this recipe – I met the makers at SuperZoo, who let me taste their delicious honey. It is be labelled for dogs, but it’s fine for people to eat, too. The folks at K9 Honey know their bees, and make their honey by gently blending it with bee pollen from nine geographic regions. I love trying out new pet products, especially from people who are passionate about what they make!

Frozen Fruit and Lavender Bark for Dogs

Makes about 20 pieces



1/4 cup K9 Honey

2 cups fruit (I used blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries – but you can choose your dog’s favorite fruit)

½ teaspoon dried lavender (I used lavender from my garden)




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