4 Fabulous Benefits Of Olive Oil For Dogs

Published A Few Days Ago

Olive oil isn’t just for people anymore. An amazing addition to your pooch’s diet, olive oil for dogs packs a healthy punch. Here are a few reasons why you should share olive oil with your canine.

When it comes to natural remedies for dogs, there are a variety of “people foods” that can provide some valuable benefits. It’s a growing trend amongst owners who are making a push to provide more natural foods for their pups. Just one of these many options is olive oil – a wonderful source of monounsaturated fatty acids (which are considered a healthy fat). We know that it’s great for humans, that’s just a fact. The question now is: what can olive oil do for dogs? Good news! You’ve come to the right place for answers. So keep your eyes glued to this page and scroll away to learn four fabulous benefits of feeding olive oil to dogs.

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Olive Oil Helps Create A Healthy Coat For Your Dog

Olive Oil Is Good For Your Dog’s Immune System Health

In addition to moisturizing your dog’s skin and coat, olive oil can also be even beneficial for his immune system. That’s right, this natural oil can actually improve how your pooch’s entire immune system functions. How? Well, olive oil is rich in polyphenols and carotenoids which help to improve immune system health. With a strong immune system, your dog will be better able to fight off infection if it is exposed to harmful pathogens. Having a healthy immune system is also important way to help your dog to transition from one season to the next. Just like people, dogs can get sick when the weather changes so adding a little olive oil to your dog’s food can help boost his immune system to prepare him for the change. This is a simple preventive measure to keep you pup healthy that far too few humans take advantage of.

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Olive Oil Is Good For Your Dog’s Brain Health

You’ve already learned that olive oil is rich in antioxidants, but you may not realize just how important antioxidants are for your dog’s health. This isn’t just something that can help improve your dog’s body, olive oil can also improve that pup’s mind as well. A number of animal research studies have confirmed a link between olive oil and brain health. In one study oleocanthal, a type of polyphenol found in olives (and extra-virgin olive oil), was linked to a reduced risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Several human studies have linked Mediterranean-style diets that are rich in olive oil to lowered risk for dementia. Given the results of these studies, it would seem that adding olive oil to your dog’s diet can help to protect his brain from cognitive decline. This is especially important for senior dogs and for extra intelligent breeds like Poodles and Border Collies. So, if you have a dog that falls into those categories (or if you simply want your pup’s brain to be operating at full power), then it’s yet another reason to consider adding olive oil to your dog’s diet.

Olive Oil Helps Improve Your Dog’s General Health

In addition to providing specific benefits for your dog’s brain and immune system, olive oil can help to increase his overall health as well. Olive oil contains healthy monounsaturated fats which can reduce your dog’s risk for heart disease and diabetes. It’s also rich in oleic acid, a compound that has been shown to reduce the risk for cancer. It’s quite amazing what a massive impact a little bit of olive oil can make on your dog’s health. This oil plays such an important role on your pup’s health that it’s almost magical. There are absolutely no downsides, it’s nothing but a win

Ready To Add Olive Oil To Your Dog’s Diet? Great. Here Are A Few Tips To Make The Process As Simple As Possible

So you’ve finally done it. You’ve decided that it’s time to add a little olive oil to your dog’s diet. Congratulations. You’re about to make a major impact on your dog’s health and you will notice the benefits almost immediately. However, it’s important to take this seriously and do it right. So, if you have considered the benefits of olive oil for dogs and you are ready to add it to your dog’s diet, then there are a few things that you should consider first in order to do it right. Of course, if you are going to add anything new to your pet’s diet, it is a great idea to consult with your veterinarian to be sure that it will be appropriate and safe for your canine companion. Your vet can also help you with dosing for your particular pooch’s needs. It’s always important to defer to a vet before making any major changes to your pup’s diet. After all, every dog is different and not all health tips that you read online will apply to your dog. Only your vet is qualified to make that call. So always defer to a vet’s expertise. That said, if you’d like some general tips and guidelines about adding olive oil to your pup’s diet, check out the information below.

    Who knew that this pantry staple could do so much good for your furry BFF? Do you use olive oil in your dog’s diet? What changes have you noticed? Leave your comments down below.



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