Elegant Parrot

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fast facts

About Elegant Parrot

9 inches
10-15 years
Bird Species
Quiet, Natural calls, Whistler
Social, Inquisitive, Smart, Playful, Fun, Energetic
Comparable Breeds
Turquoise Parrot, Budgerigar Parakeet

Elegant Parrot General Info

One of the most prominent members of the Australian Grass parakeet family, the Elegant Parrot is a charming little bird with a big personality. These pretty parrots have been rising in popularity since the 1970s, both as an aviary bird and a household pet. The Elegant Parrot will surprise you with their smart and inquisitive behavior, and their feistiness will always go against their small size. A good choice for experienced owners, they will require good care and can thrive in aviaries.

Much like Budgies, these little parrots have a charming personality and can make great pets.


Native Region/Natural Habitat

These birds are found naturally in two separate regions in Australia. One is in the southwestern corner, while the other is more to the southeast. As these regions are separate, they provide diverse habitats, and the Elegant Parrot thrives in all of them. They are found below 500 meters, mostly in light woodlands, Eucalyptus growths, savannah, and Acacia shrubbery. One of the rarer breeds that are not threatened, the Elegant Parrot is stable in the wild and their numbers are actually increasing.

Overall Description

The Neophema genus, commonly known as the Grass Parrot family, includes seven breeds, but they are all unique in their own way. The Elegant Parrot has some iconic features that are easy to recognize. The round, chubby body, a small head, and a very small beak, and a long, quite pointy tail are all easily spotted. The adults reach an average length of 9 inches (22 centimeters)- a big part of which is the tail and will weigh just around 2 ounces (50 grams). There’s no doubt that these parrots are as elegant as their name suggests, but they are also incredibly cute.

Speech and Sounds

Most parrots and parakeets of this size are not really vocal birds or skilled at talking of mimicry. This applies to the Elegant Parrot, whose only abilities are its natural calls. Luckily, these are not obtrusive and are very similar to other birds of this size, like the popular Budgies or Turquoise Parrots. Series of repeated chirps and loud tweets are relatively easy to tolerate and might even make the Elegant Parrot suited for apartment settings.



Even though the Elegant Parrot might seem plain at first glance, there are a few really unique details that are almost never seen in the world of parrots. In any case, their name fits them perfectly, as they are graceful and beautiful little birds. The body is mostly yellowish green or olive in color. The belly shows much lighter, almost yellow tones, while the back is darker. The very front of the face is yellow, with a peculiar thin strip that stretches between the eyes. This strip is dark blue on the lower half and turquoise blue on the top. The same two colors are repeated in a strip that covers the wing edges. The lower side of the tail is yellow. In aviculture, breeders created a few artificial and unique color mutations. These little birds are a lovely sight. A truly Elegant parrot!

Even though they are almost identical, the females might have duller colors, which can help with identification.

Care and Feeding

Foundation of a good diet for your pet should be one of the common commercial seed mixes for small parakeets. For example, a budgie seed mix is a good choice. Add plenty of finely chopped fresh fruits and vegetables, and there you have it- a basic diet for an Elegant Parrot.

Another important aspect of good care is free flight. Elegant Parrot who is stuck in a cage for a lot of time during the day can succumb to apathy, illness, and even death. You must provide a lot of free flight during the day and social interaction. Building a relationship with your pet is paramount.

Health and Common Conditions

There is a common belief that Elegant Parrot might require a bit of extra attention. This might not be completely true, as these parakeets are not too demanding as pets. Just provide good basic care and plenty of interaction. Also, ensure a lot of freedom, and you will quickly realize that these little parrots require so little to thrive.

Young and hand-reared birds will adapt so much better to life in the house, and a bond will be created quickly.

Personality & Behavior

Much like Budgies, these little parrots have a charming personality and can make great pets. When provided with plenty of toys, perches, and free space, they will quickly show their happy, perky side and prove to be an entertaining companion. Their longevity is common for birds this size, and they will live for 10 or more years. This makes them a pet good for seniors and singles.

Photo credit: Jukka Jantunen/Shutterstock; Gypsytwitcher/Shutterstock



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