Peanut Butter & Jam Frozen Mini Cups

Published A Few Days Ago

As we gear up for those warm and sweaty months, it’s always a good idea to stock up on items that will help cool things down. That’s important. And it’s not just people who deserve these sweet, cooling treats. Your pups deserve them too!

With summer racing towards and temperatures rising exponentially, the time has come to find ways for you and your dog to cool down. The good news is that beating the summer heat can be both fun and delicious. In fact, I have a little secret that I’ve used for years to keep me and my pooch cool and comfortable until September: my Peanut Butter & Jam Frozen Mini Cups! I miss my school-standard PB&J sandwiches… I’m pretty sure I ate one every day. There are few things in live more delicious than the special level of deliciousness that can only be reached when peanut butter meets jam! It’s not just humans that go ga-ga for that flavour combination either. Dogs love it too. My fur baby Oscar loves his frozen treats, and these ones are no different. He lights up and cools down every time I put one of these in front of his face. Plus, they look super cute and already come portion perfect. There’s really no downside to these frozen treats, which is why I can’t keep this recipe to myself any longer. It’s time for every dog to enjoy them!

The Peanut Butter & Jam Frozen Mini Cups Recipe


Note: This recipe makes a total of 15 mini cups.


1/4 cup of peanut butter

1/4 of strawberries (they can be frozen or fresh)

1 cup of plain yogurt, divided

For The Bottom Layer:

1/4 cup of peanut butter

3/4 cup of plain yogurt


Second Layer:

¼ cup of strawberries

1/4 cup of plain yogurt

And that’s it! Pretty simple, right? The tastiest treats you’re dog will scarf down all summer can be prepared with a few minutes work, a freeer, and a little patience. The joy your dog experiences every time that he cools down with these tasty treats will last a whole lot longer than that. Please let us know what your pooch thinks of these treats in the comments below. Also, please let us know if you have any suggestions on how to improve this recipe and ensure that dogs everywhere have and tasty and cool summer this year.



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