Could This Be the Secret to Why Cats Knock Stuff Over?

Published A Few Days Ago

Researchers have found the reason for this typical cat behavior, and it actually makes perfect sense.

When it comes to mysteries of the feline mind, every cat owner could fill a book with their pet’s unique quirks. But, there are a few weird traits that all cats seem to share: irrational love of cardboard boxes, stalking their owners while they pee, and, of course, the need to knock stuff down.


You can pinpoint the exact moment when the feline decides to savagely knock over your belongings, but can you determine the reason why they do it- apart from being a jerk, that is? Well, you don’t have to lose any more sleep over the topic: a feline researcher revealed to Inverse magazine why cats knock stuff over.

Apparently, it seems that kitties are trying to get our undivided attention by intently destroying our property. I think that sends a pretty clear message, wouldn’t you agree? Mike Delgado from the School of Veterinary Medicine at UC Davis says that, essentially, cats learned that the quickest way to get our attention is by doing something they shouldn’t be doing, and I can’t say their logic is wrong.

But, feeling neglected is not the only reason why your cat is throwing your stuff around. Felines have strong hunting drives and like to flaunt them, which is why they spend their afternoons chattering away at the window. Knocking things over is just one of the ways they express their hunter side: it’s quite similar to what they do when they’re catching mice. The paw-punch at your stuff would reveal if the knickknack is up for a game of chase. Spoiler alert: it’s not.

So, how can you stop your cat from knocking things over? Well, my advice is to put away everything nice you own and deal with the fact that cats now rule over your life. Or, if you do realize that your kitty might be bored and lack mental stimuli, rather than just being a furry bastard, make sure to play more with your pet and enrich their environment. Hint: Puzzle toys are a big hit with felines, and will entertain them long enough for them to keep their paws of your stuff.



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