The Luuup Litter Box Kickstarter Offers 3 Trays, No Mess

Published A Few Days Ago

Never pick up cat poop again with the Luuup Litter Box. This three tray perpetual sifting litter system is just what finicky cat parents want in their homes.

I love my feline roommates. I really do. But let’s be honest; when it comes to cleaning the cat litter box, having a tooth filled is by far more appealing (and much less likely to invoke the gag reflex). At one point I did mentally toy with the idea of having them toilet trained, but in a one bathroom house the thought of having to wait in line for Simon to “finish” made that one a non-starter.

I was intrigued when I learned that former CITY TV newswoman and television personality Dini Petty has resurrected what was a pretty good idea back in the day. To recap, back in 1994 she was pitch-woman for a unique cat litter box design that made the task of poo-poo pick up much less icky. Rather than digging deep and scooping around, you simply pick up the tray and shake it. The patented three-tray slot design meant that solids remained in the top tray and the clean litter fell into the tray below. You then dumped the clumps and re-stacked the trays with the first tray now at the bottom and the box with the cleaner littler, on top.

Related:The Most Common Litter Box Mistakes You’re Making

Apparently after its 1990’s launch in Canada, it expanded down into the US where it sold more than 2 million units then seemed to disappear. Fast forward twenty-plus years and its back with an improved functionality (larger for portly cats and lower for our older girls), better design aesthetic and a superior quality construction. It’s now ready to be rolled out as the Luuup Litter Box (pronounced “loop”), Petty has secured the rights to the unique design format and a Kickstarter campaign is being used to raise the funds necessary to produce the boxes en masse (translation: keep them affordable).

They’ve worked out the kinks, identified manufacturers and created a framework for production and fulfillment. The boxes are made in Toronto, Canada and the facility is handy to the Luuup offices which mean regular inspections and trouble-shooting will ensure a consistently superior product.

Related:5 Fresh And Effective Ways To Control Litter Box Odor

Next steps? Production will begin as soon as a modest $50,000 funding goal is reached, and with $22,000 (and growing) already raised at time of writing (the campaign ends on Monday, March 14, 2016) , it’s a sure bet this product is going to see the light of day sooner than later.

You’re probably wondering what’s in it for you, right? For $39, you’ll move to the front of the line and receive your very own Luuup Litter Box and be named to the Luuup Website’s Wall of Thanks. Have a multi-cat household? For a mere $58, you receive two Luuup Litter Boxes and your name on the aforementioned Wall of Thanks! This product ships to the U.S. and Canada.

According to Petty, they’ve designed The Luuup Litter Box to be the last litter box you’ll ever have to buy and I like the idea of that!

View details or buy one on the Luuup Litter Box Kickstarter page.


Mary Simpson is an animal-loving writer and communications professional. A soft touch for anything stray, she shares her century home with an eclectic collection of rescues that include orange tabby Chico, tuxedo Simon, and jet black Owen. She enjoys running, politics, exploring local wine regions and is an avid supporter of the “shop local” movement.



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