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About Goldendoodle

50-90 lb
10-13 years
Not Applicable
Best Suited For
Families with children, singles and seniors, houses with yards
Intelligent, lovable, energetic, friendly
Comparable Breeds
Golden Retriever, Poodle
Top Breed
20-29 inches

Goldendoodle Basics

This dog doesn’t just have an incredibly fun name to say, his joyful personality also lives up to the title. Fun-loving and playful, the Goldendoodle is an active and energetic doggy athlete. He loves to run around, play fetch and swim. He’s always moving. With a little work, this intelligent guy will learn to catch a Frisbee or jump through a hoop. He can do just about anything. Highly trainable, Goldendoodles are a perfect choice for first-time pet owners. This crossbreed loves everybody, young and old. But especially kids. He’ll keep the kids busy and active for hours and even try to get guests involved in a game of chase. Everyone is a potential play partner in this pup’s eyes. Goldendoodles will warn their families when someone approaches and then quickly welcome them as if they were long lost friends. They do not make good guard dogs. They are better as doggy door greeters.

Yet, despite all of that boundless energy these doggos will eventually calm down. After a hard day of play, the Goldendoodle will happily relax on the sofa and chill with the family. They love to love and be loved, just like any good boy. However, beware dinner time. This guy will do everything that he possibly can to get at your plate. On the plus side, he is at least cordial and will be happy to swap his dish for yours! To learn more about the Goldendoodle, please read on. This pup just might fit into your family perfectly. Keep you eyes glued to this page to find out.

Fun-loving and playful, the Goldendoodle is an active and energetic athlete.


The Goldendoodle is a popular designer dog breed. Yet, there are conflicting stories about the time and place of this hybrid’s origin (quite common with designer dogs, but this one’s origin is particularly mysterious). Some believe that the breed had its start in 1969 and credit Monica Dickens as the original breeder of the Golden Retriever and Poodle mix. Other connect these hypoallergenic dogs with the sudden rise in popularity of Doodle mixes that happened in the United States during the 1990s. It’s hard to say which origin is accurate and the argument has raged on for years. Regardless, while the nitty-gritty of the origin might not be crystal clear, there is no mystery surrounding why this breed was created. The idea was to produce an athletic and friendly dog that would do well in service as well as a family pet (and boast a low-shedding coat at the same time). To say that whoever was behind the Goldendoodle succeeded in these goals would be an understatement.



The ‘true cross’ or the first generation mix Goldendoodle is the first litter of the two purebreds, and has 50-50 percent of genes from both of the mom and dad. Naturally, these first generation mixes are quite unpredictable, as they don’t have a uniform appearance or personality. It will all depend on which parent’s genes are more dominant and that is always different with every dog! Getting a first generation Goldendoodle is kind of like a box of chocolates: you never know what you’re going to get. However, multigenerational crosses are common for the Goldendoodle breed. By further crossing F1 Goldendoodles with unrelated Poodles, Golden Retrievers, or other Goldendoodles, breeders can perfect the standard of the breed. So, if you have particular wants and needs for you Goldendoodle, the right breeder might be able to accommodate them. It all depends on your Goldendoodle source. Of course, even so there are a few details that the ideal Goldendoodle specimen needs to have. They usually show an elegant and tall stance, a particular hue of honey gold brown coat, and only a measured amount of that poodle fluff. In the end, what you are looking for is an ideal balance between retriever and poodle traits. A little research will go a long way to ensure that you find the right breeder and the right Goldendoodle.


It is crucial to make sure that your dog eats a healthy and well-balanced diet. Nutrition is the foundation of your pet’s wellbeing, and failing to provide a diet that’s based on high-grade ingredients in the right ratios could have a serious impact on the quality of your dog’s life. Goldendoodle does best on premium dry food for dogs, as it meets all of their nutritional needs, but only when chosen correctly. You will have to pick out kibble that is rich in meat-based protein, contains healthy fats, and offers a modest percent of complex carbs. Cheaper brands that are full of fillers and artificial ingredients are never a good for your pup’s health. Additionally, you should make sure that the kibble is appropriate for your pet’s age (puppy, adult, or senior), and their size and activity levels. Goldendoodles come in different sizes, so not all will thrive on the same kibble formula.

Another important aspect of Goldendoodle nutrition is making sure they are eating the right amount of food. Stick to the feeding guide recommendations for the specific kibble you’re pouring into your pet’s bowl. The serving sizes will vary. The smallest types of Goldendoodles might not need more than a cup and a half of food, whereas the standard Goldendoodle could require double the amount. Keep in mind that these puppers can be quite voracious sometimes, with a healthy appetite and the desire to eat way past their fill. If you don’t take care to serve measured and balanced amounts, you risk over-feeding your doggo, which might result in obesity.

If you’re unsure what’s a healthy dose of kibble for your own pet, don’t hesitate to contact a vet for an opinion. Sure, pet food manufacturers provide guidelines that are helpful and useful. However, every dog is different and there’s no way to guarantee that any particular food is right for your dog simply by reading the package. It’s always wise to take your vet’s advice about your doggy’s diet. Only they can make an honest assessment about which specific food will suit your specific dog’s needs. Getting advice about things like your dog’s diet is one of the most important reasons to have a vet!

Highly intelligent, the Goldendoodle is easy to train, even for a first time pet owner.


Highly intelligent, the Goldendoodle is easy to train, even for a first time pet owner. Fun, loving, and playful, the Goldendoodle is an active and energetic athlete. They have such a positive attitude and love to play and spend their energy. And it is that great personality that you need to rely on in training. Positive training techniques work much better than harsh words or physical methods would. That is way closer to abuse than training and should be avoided at all costs. Those tough techniques are no longer acceptable. So settle into a reward and encouragement based training routine instead and watch your pupper soar. Positive reinforcement works without a fault! Training sessions should last for around 20 minutes. Rewarding the dog with delectable treats and excited praise will help make for a successful training session. Your Goldendoodle will pick up on your lesson surprisingly quickly, and in no time you will have a well-mannered and properly socialized pooch by your side!

Goldendoodles take well to obedience training and because they are so bright and eager to please, they also do well in agility. Agility courses are a great place for the Goldendoodle to burn up his energy as well as reinforce the bond he has with his owner. He’ll also have time to socialize with other athletic dogs running the courses. As always, socialization and training should begin as early as possible while your Goldendoodle is still an impressionable puppy. Late training could result in unfortunate behaviour issues down the road.


Goldendoodles come in a variety of sizes. The Standard Goldendoodle should weigh between 50 and 90 pounds and stand 20 to 29 inches tall at the withers. Mini Goldendoodles tip the scales between 25 and 50 pounds and are from 13 to 21 inches high at the shoulder. The Tiny Goldendoodle weighs between 10 and 30 pounds and is from 10 to 15 inches tall at the withers. There truly is a Goldendoodle for every home. You merely have to find the right one for you. Of course, based on the size of your pooch, the diet and behavior might change a little bit. Needless to say, the Standard and tiny goldendoodles won’t need the same amount of food, and their energy levels might differ just a bit. But when their character is considered – size definitely does not matter: they will still be friendly and fun!



For the most part, Goldendoodles are pleasant dogs that are welcoming and accepting of strangers. He thinks that everybody should be his friend and will take the time to play ball or go for a swim with him. Outgoing and playful, this hybrid dog is an exceptional companion for adults and children alike. Goldendoodles enjoy playing fetch, chase, tug of war, jogging, and swimming. However, they are also happy to lounge on the couch and watch TV with his family. They truly love it all. This is all thanks to the two parent breeds – poodles and retrievers. These two breeds are known far and wide for their endlessly friendly behavior and a goofy, fun character. Taking the best of both breeds, the Goldendoodle is a great example of how careful cross-breeding can yield fantastic results and a super friendly pupper.

The Goldendoodle will bark to alert his family when someone or something is around, but thankfully he is not a problem barker. If left alone for too long outside, he will dig. Digging is a favorite pastime of the Goldendoodle. He will happily create holes all over your yard! So get ready to see plenty of those in your backyard. But either way, a Goldendoodle’s favorable and friendly temperament will make them a great family pet. Kind and gentle around kids, and an endless source of fun for the whole family, this doggo is ideal in so many ways.

Common Health Problems

Goldendoodles can be predisposed to all of the health issues faced by Golden Retrievers and Poodles because they are a combination of the two breeds. Some of the most common health problems are hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, Von Willebrand’s Disease, juvenile cataracts, progressive retinal atrophy, subaortic stenosis, sebaceous adenitis, patella luxation, hypothyroidism and ear infections. Make sure to keep regular check ups with your vet (especially as your Goldendoodle reaches his later years) to catch any of these potential issues and start treatment early. Of course, these can all be kept in check and at bay by providing your dog with all necessary care. Ensure plenty of exercise, a healthy and balanced diet, warm and comfy sleeping quarters, and so on. By caring for your pet you ensure their health is in prime.

Life Expectancy

The average Goldendoodle lives between 10 and 13 years. While not the longest lifespan out there, it is still a great amount of time for you to build a strong bond and a lasting friendship with your furry friend. This is ample time for great memories to be made!

Exercise Requirements

Goldendoodles require a fair amount of exercise each day. They need to be walked at least three times daily. Each walk should last for around half an hour. Providing the time to stretch their legs and run is essential for the Goldendoodle. Living in the city is still fine though, provided that they will have access to a dog park every week. Those who have a fenced in yard will find that the Goldendoodle will get all the exercise he needs by playing ball with the kids in the backyard. Never let this dog exercise without being in a securely, fenced area or on a leash. He’s too naturally curious and anxious to make friends and will get into trouble. Their height, size, and athletic build all demand plenty of physical exercise. Without it, a Goldendoodle risks an early case of arthritis or hip dysplasia, or obesity and apathy. Don’t hesitate to allow your dog to play with other friendly puppers in the park – it is a great way to incite some action packed playtime. Goldendoodles are super friendly, and finding an equal match in the park won’t be an issue at all.

Goldendoodles are pleasant dogs that are welcoming and accepting of strangers.

Recognized Clubs

The American Kennel Club doesn’t recognize the Goldendoodle as a purebred dog. This hybrid dog is recognized by the American Canine Hybrid Club, Designer Dogs Kennel Club, Dog Registry of America, Inc., International Designer Canine Registry and Designer Breed Registry.


Because it is a crossbreed, the Goldendoodle can have a variety of coats. Mixing breeds means that the puppy can have coats that resemble either parent’s breeds. The coats can be wavy or curly and they may or may not be hypoallergenic and non-shedding. Coat colors can be apricot, red, gold, black, silver, blue, chocolate, fawn, white or parti-colored.

Goldendoodles require a fair amount of grooming. They must be brushed everyday or their coats will become matted. This crossbreed must be professionally groomed at least every other month. The groomer will trim and clip his coat as well as give him a good bath.


Goldendoodle puppies are wonderful balls of fluff, but don’t let their cuteness fool you. These young pups can chew up your furniture, demolish your favorite slippers, and leave excessive amounts of excrement everywhere! They will get into trouble and use their cuteness as defence. Goldendoodles should be watched carefully and should be placed in a crate or other safe and secure area when unattended. Of course, these issues can be remedied early on – with patient training, specialized dog toys and treats, and plenty of attention. After all – this is a phase that every puppy goes through!

Early socialization and Puppy Kindergarten classes are beneficial to the Goldendoodle. He will learn to play nicely with other pets as well as obtain the foundation for all of the training he will need throughout his life. What is certain in the end is the fact that you will have a wonderful and loving dog by your side. Although a hybrid breed, Goldendoodles emerged as a fantastic choice for families and singles alike, taking all the best features of two wonderful breeds. As such, they can be loyal and goofy companions, and perfect family pets. And besides – who can resist their cute looks?!

Photo credits: lyrandian/Flickr; AgBank/Wikimedia; BuzzFarmers/Flickr



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