Top 10 Best Dogs For Allergy Sufferers

Published A Few Days Ago

Everyone loves dogs, but some people have allergies that get in the way. Thankfully, there are even dogs out there for allergy suffers. Consider sneezes and watery eyes a thing of the past with these hypoallergenic dog breeds!

If you are a dog lover, it can be heartbreaking to learn that you are allergic to dogs. After all, how could something that brings you so much joy also bring you so much pain! Fortunately, you may still be able to own a dog even if you have allergies. There are many different breeds which are particularly recommended for allergy sufferers because they are “hypoallergenic”. The only challenge is finding the right dog that works for you and your allergies. In this article, you will learn the basics about hypoallergenic dog breeds and our recommendations for the top 5 best dogs for allergy sufferers. Keep your eyes glued to this page and scroll away, by the time your down you just might find the right dog for your home, no sneezing required!

About Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

There is a great deal of controversy regarding whether any dogs are truly “hypoallergenic” or not. That’s because all dogs produce some level of dander and most breeds do have fur. That’s just unavoidable. However, it’s also true that certain breeds shed less than others and that these breeds are more compatible with individuals who suffer from allergies to dogs. It is also possible that even people with allergies can tolerate a certain type of dog. That breed is most likely to be one of the hypoallergenic breeds discussed below. Obviously, there are some people whose allergies are so severe that all dogs will be problematic. But other than those unlikely folks, hypoallergenic dogs tend to be the miracle that dog lovers with allergies are looking for!

Another important factor to consider is the size of the dog. Smaller breeds naturally produce a lesser quantity of allergens and are thus less likely to cause a reaction in allergic individuals. So, that plays an important role. Bathing a dog regularly, regardless of its breed, may help to reduce allergens. As will frequent cleaning and vacuuming of the home. There are also “allergy shots” available to reduce a person’s allergic reaction, though the efficacy of these shots is up for debate. So, there are many solutions available to help make life a little easier for allergy sufferers. The best course of action is to choose a breed that has been shown to produce fewer allergic reactions and to follow responsible cleaning practices to keep your home relatively free of dog hair and dander. It won’t be easy for allergy sufferers to live with a dog, but at least it’s not impossible. Anyone who loves dogs should be able to have one in their lives, as long as they take the right precautions.

Now, without further ado, let’s delve into our list of the best dogs for allergy sufferers. If you have an issue with allergies, these are your best options. While it’s possible to live with other dogs as long as you follow the solutions mentioned above, these are the breeds that should provide the dog time that you crave without those sneezes and itches that you loath.

The Top Ten Dogs for Allergy Sufferers


2.Bedlington Terrier


4.Bichon Frise




Hairless Chinese Crested


9.Irish Water Spaniel


Just because you suffer from allergies doesn’t mean that you have to give up all hope of becoming a dog parent. By choosing one of the breeds listed above you can reduce your likelihood of suffering an allergic reaction. It is also recommended that you bathe your dog regularly and keep your house clean of fur and dander by vacuuming and cleaning often. If you follow these tips, you should be able to enjoy keeping a dog regardless of your allergies. It might sound impossible, but it’s true! There truly is a dog out there for every home.



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