Ojos Azules Cat

Published A Few Days Ago
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About Ojos Azules Cat

8-10 inches
9-12 lbs
Deep blue eyes
10-12 years
Best Suited For
Singles, seniors, and families with children and other pets
Friendly, active, affectionate
Comparable Breeds
Domestic Shorthair, Domestic Longhair

Ojos Azules Cat Breed History

The name Ojos Azules translates to “blue eyes” in Spanish, and the Ojos Azules cat name is fitting because these felines feature beautiful eyes that are a deep blue color.

This breed dates back to 1984 when a tortoiseshell female cat named Cornflower from a feral colony in New Mexico had kittens. Those kittens featured the same intense blue eyes that she had, thereby proving that this unique trait was a dominant trait that could be reproduced.

What is interesting about the Ojos Azules cat is the fact that the gene that causes the intense blue eyes does not appear to be linked to any particular coat pattern or color. So you could, for example, have Ojos Azules cats with blue eyes and dark coats. But breeders discovered that dangerous genetic mutations are avoided only when the gene that causes the blue eyes is heterozygous, so the Ojos Azules cats have to be crossed with cats that don’t have the blue eyes in order to help ensure a healthy litter of kittens.

In addition to the blue-eyed cats discovered in the United States, a cat with similar characteristics was discovered in Australia, even though no Ojos Azules were imported there. Therefore, breeders think that the mutation might be spontaneous amongst domestic cats.

The International Cat Association (TICA) first recognized this breed in 1991, and a few breeders continue working with it today. However, the Ojos Azules cat is considered a rare breed.

The most distinctive feature of the Ojos Azules cat has to been its deep blue eyes.

Breed Traits


Unfortunately, because the Ojos Azules is still a rare breed, not much is known regarding the personality of these cats. The ones that have been bred, however, have been described as affectionate, loyal, friendly, gentle, smart, social, playful, and active.

This breed is also considered a lap cat that gets along great with adults, so if you are in search of a loving feline companion that is also stunning in appearance, the Ojos Azules might be a great choice. And, as with all other cats, when Ojos Azules kitties are properly introduced to children and other pets, including other felines, they could get along well with all of them.

These cats need a moderate amount of attention, and they also desire to be active, so giving your pet a variety of toys and setting aside some time to play with your pet will help keep him healthy and happy. You might also find that the Ojos Azules cat is moderately vocal as well, so you should find the time to give your pet plenty of affection.

Overall Description

Even though the standard for the Ojos Azules cat breed is still in development, the radiant blue eyes are considered the main feature that absolutely has to be present. Also, the coat of these cats will be silky and soft, and the animal will be medium in size with a somewhat triangular shape for the head. The large eyes are round, the tail will be proportionate to the rest of the body, and the neck will be arched. Also, the forehead will be rounded, the nose will have a slight beak, and the muzzle will be angular too.



The Ojos Azules cat could feature a variety of coat colors because all colors are allowed. The only exception is solid white, which is not desirable. So, for example, you may find an Ojos Azules that features a bicolor coat, or you might find cats that have tan or blue coats. No matter what, all of the coat colors will end up contrasting in an attractive way with the breed’s stunning blue eyes. And many cats will also feature white patches on their body, such as on the tip of the tail, on the face, and on the feet.

Grooming Requirements

The Ojos Azules is considered easy to groom because these cats don’t need to be brushed often and their shedding is considered average. The coat, which could be long or short, is described as silky, soft, fine, and shiny. Therefore, a simple brushing routine could be used to bond with your cat and to help your pet maintain a clean and smooth coat. Plus, brushing your cat regularly could also remove loose hair and help to reduce the incidence of hairballs, so it is worth investing in a comb for your kitty that you can use to massage the skin, stimulate circulation, and smooth out the fur. And, like all other feline breeds, it is also important to get a good pair of claw trimmers for your Ojos Azules cat so that you can regularly trim your pet’s claws.

Photo credit: jeep2499/Shutterstock; SNC Art and More/Shutterstock; hannadarzy/Shutterstock



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